On The Archives!

In tandem with the poetry/prose/performance event on June 14th, 2024 Michaela Chan, Gwyneth Zeleny Anderson, Christine Green, and I visited Tate Shaw's radio show Mouth Sounds on WAYO 104.3 fm. It's a fun hour of readings, conversation, silliness, and yes, mouth sounds. Listen here!

Mouth Sounds radio show free form poetry prose performanceMouth Sounds radio show free form poetry prose performance

Come say hello to me and a bunch of other fine craftspeople who'll be selling stuff at Flower City Art Center's annual Wintercraft Hoiday Sale! Saturday, December 14th, 10 til 4. More info

First Friday Pop-Up!

I'll be doing a pop-up on Friday, December 6 with a bunch of other printers and some potters! Details to be announced after Thanksgiving. But I'll tell you that it's a big building of E Main Street that used to house a lot of artist studios ;)