Zaftig Press is run by Dan Varenka who has been making zines since he was a teenager. In 1995 he started making screen-printed tees for fun and profit under the name Hey Buddy! Why's Your Car So Big?
After a few decades as Hey Buddy! it was decided to change the name to something more zippy and compact, though equally obtuse.
Zaftig (zaf-tig, tik) adj. Yiddish, juicy, succulent. Slang. having a pleasantly plump figure.
Zaftig Press produces small edition artist’s books, zines, screen-printed goods, and print ephemera
The Print Shop
In the studio there's a Ricoh digital duplicator (the office workhorse cousin of the Riso) with 5 drums, a Toshiba eStudio copier, screen-printing press & accoutrements, inkjet printers, and a fabulous vintage Kyocera photocopier. We've also got a button-maker and various papercraft gadgets, too.
We'd love to print your next book cover, broadside, chapbook, or zine.
We're in the process of moving spaces and will post our new location as soon as we're settled.